Your Paycheck is Your Responsibility

Every NOAH employee is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of their timecard.  Failure to approve timecards often leads to payroll corrections.  These corrections are not an efficient use of our resources and will no longer be permitted mid-cycle.  Review the information below to understand your opportunity to verify the accuracy of your time and pay prior to payroll processing.

Timecard Approvals

Employee Approval

Every employee should review, verify, and approve their timecard at the end of each pay period.

Manager Approval

Managers are also required to approve employee timecards for their direct reports at the end of each pay period.

Approvals must be posted prior to 10am on Monday of the payroll week. This process ensures employees, and their supervisors are in agreement of hours worked as well as any allocation of paid time off (PTO), paid sick time (PST), etc.

Paycheck Approval

Once timecards have been approved, every employee has a second opportunity to verify and approve their hours by reviewing their paycheck.

If during either approval process an employee sees an error or has questions, they should discuss with their supervisor immediately to avoid any delay in payroll processing. Going forward, if timecards are not approved or approved with errors, any adjustments will be made the following pay period.  


Thank you for your cooperation to ensure efficient and accurate payroll processing. If you have questions about how to approve your timecard or your paycheck, check out the tutorial links below or reach out to your supervisor.

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