NOAH is partnering with Mercy Care and The City of Phoenix to support individuals that need Behavioral Health, COVID, or Community Resources services. Patients meeting specific criteria will be eligible for no cost services at NOAH Health Centers.
To qualify under this partnership, patients must be:
- A City of Phoenix resident; and
- Underinsured (receiving a non-covered service with their Health Plan) and/or Uninsured; and
- Be classified as Non-Title XIX/XXI Eligible Population(s): A.Serious Mental Illness Determined, or B. General Mental Health, or C. Substance Use Disorder.
If patients meets the above criteria, they may qualify for the following services at no-cost:
- Behavioral Health Services
- COVID testing, vaccination or treatment
- Community Resources support with SDoH, or assistance enrolling/navigating government assistance programs (Medicaid, SNAP).
Any invoicing related to patients who meet this criteria will be paid to NOAH through grand funding awarded to the City of Phoenix through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF).
It’s critical that NOAH screen for the above qualifications. If you think you have a patient that is eligible, please complete the following forms and (if applicable) refer to the appropriate service:
- ARPA Fee waiver, and
- Residency attestation with E-signature: Use when patient has email or ability to give e-signature, OR
- Residency Attestation Verbal or wet signature: Use for in-person visits or when patient has technology issues
Impact will vary by department, connect with your leader or reach out to Lori Donahue or Dora Correal with any questions.