NOAH is promoting HIV testing all month long in recognition of National HIV Testing Day June 27.
Since receiving the HRSA Partners in Prevention grant in late 2021, efforts from the NOAH HIV taskforce have significantly increased HIV testing and awareness among the NOAH team and our patients. In 2022 so far, NOAH has completed an average of 334 tests per month, up 21% from months tracked earlier in the grant period, for a total of 2,920 tests overall.
Efforts to further increase HIV testing for the month of June include social media posts throughout the month, blog articles, email newsletter inclusion, and a Facebook Live Q&A event on June 22. Other informative resources available beginning this month include a printed HIV 101 flyer and PReP brochure available in clinics as well as a new sexual health page on the NOAH website.
The CDC recommends everyone age 13-64 at average risk of HIV get tested at least once in a lifetime. If you haven’t been tested, now is a great time to check it off the list! HIV testing at NOAH is free and as easy as poking your fingertip for a drop of blood.
For more information about HIV testing and prevention, check out these new articles on the NOAH blog: