NOAH invites all team members to participate in this wonderful opportunity to lend knowledge to our fellow coworkers. A bookshelf with professional and business-related books will be provided in library form at our Dreamy Draw location.
Beginning in May, you will be able to either check out a book or lend us yours!
How it Works
- A bookshelf will be placed at Dreamy Draw.
- Books will be labeled to identify each book and who has it.
- All checked-out books will have a limit of one week to allow others to have the opportunity to read that selection.
- All books will be labeled with the owner’s name and can be pulled from the library at any time.
This encourages a knowledge library, where we can share our favorite reads, remove us from our technology, and expand our minds!
This Leadership Library will be ongoing as a permanent resource for all team members to use.
Happy readings!