We’re thrilled to feature women’s health content written by Dr. Hadass Fuerst and Dr. Marissa Jacobs on the NOAH blog this week! This three-part series highlighting Cervical Cancer, HPV, and Contraceptives is a wealth of information that connects the dots between these topics.
Thousands of people are diagnosed with cervical cancer each year despite most cases being treatable and preventable. Early detection is critical in cancer treatment and getting routine well-woman exams and pap smears is the best way to detect cervical cancer.
Almost all cervical cancers are caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV) which is the most commonly spread sexually transmitted infection (STI). You can protect yourself from contracting HPV by getting vaccinated.
The HPV vaccine provides coverage for nine strains of HPV which are linked to cervical cancer, anal cancers, and mouth cancers. Getting this vaccine protects against HPV and decreases the risk of future cancer. Preteens have the best immune response to the vaccine so its recommended that both males and females receive the vaccine at age 11 or 12.
As an added layer of protection, anyone who is sexually active should also use condoms. Keep in mind HPV can be transmitted through intimate skin to skin contact so a condom alone does not fully prevent against infection.
For more detailed information on these topics, visit the NOAH blog posts on Cervical Cancer, HPV, and Contraceptives.
If you are a health care subject matter expert, we would love to have you contribute content for the NOAH blog. NOAH is a trusted resource for information on a variety of topics and we rely on your support to ensure we are always publishing the most up-to-date and accurate information. Thanks again to Dr. Fuerst and Dr. Jacobs, along with all the other providers who have made time to provide content, participate in interviews, or review articles for accuracy.