
Leadership Updates from NOAH

Educating Our Patients: Every Vote Counts

Educating Our Patients: Every Vote Counts

As a Community Health Center, we have the opportunity to engage with a wide-range of patients including many who represent underserved populations. These patients have limited access to resources or…

MyChart Scheduling Coming Soon

MyChart Scheduling Coming Soon

Patients will soon have the option to directly schedule medical appointments online through MyChart. NOAH’s IT team has been working closely with OCHIN to roll out online scheduling capability for…

Pharmacy Expected to Hit Major Milestone in September

Pharmacy Expected to Hit Major Milestone in September

NOAH’s Pharmacy is trending to top 10,000 this month for all-time number of prescriptions dispensed since opening last December. As anticipated, a change in availability of 340B medications in late…

Introducing the Patient Experience Dashboard

Introducing the Patient Experience Dashboard

We are excited to announce the launch of our new and improved Patient Experience Dashboard! This tool is designed to provide you with a high-level overview of our patients’ satisfaction…

Get Ready to Vote

Get Ready to Vote

Are you registered to vote? Deadline is Oct. 7. Health centers like ours rely on government funding for a significant portion of our operating costs. This critical funding is decided…

NOAH Spirit Award Winners

NOAH Spirit Award Winners

Congratulations to our NOAH Spirit Award winners! Your contributions have made a meaningful impact in your roles, and we’re excited to see what you’ll accomplish next. Be the Change Award…

Rental Assistance Program Update

Rental Assistance Program Update

DES will no longer accept rental assistance applications effective Sept. 1, 2024 due to the depletion of funds. NOAH’s Community Resources team will continue processing rental assistance applications through Aug….

DEEP Course Graduates

DEEP Course Graduates

We are proud to congratulate the graduates of our third Diabetic Empowerment Education Program (DEEP) cohort! Five participants successfully completed all eight lessons and have shown great determination in taking…

Now Delivering Prescription Medication to Venado

Now Delivering Prescription Medication to Venado

We’re excited to share that NOAH’s Cholla Pharmacy has continued its prescription delivery service to all NOAH Health Center locations. Beginning August 24, courier service will begin to Venado Valley…

Foods for Thought

Foods for Thought

In the world of health and wellness, the connection between diet and mental health is gaining significant attention. NOAH Dietitian Jason Pawloski explores this link in his 218-page book, Foods…