MyChart Online Scheduling Now Available
MyChart Online Scheduling Now Available

We are excited to announce MyChart Online Scheduling functionality is now live. This new feature gives patients the option to directly schedule medical appointments online through MyChart. All established NOAH…

Avoid the Bait. Don’t Get Phished!
IT, News
Avoid the Bait. Don’t Get Phished!

With the increasing number of phishing campaigns going out lately, please be aware of the following red flags in texts or emails: If you receive an email you believe is…

NOAH Multi-Factor Authentication
IT, News
NOAH Multi-Factor Authentication

NOAH has implemented MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) as of October 3, 2023.  MFA serves as an additional layer of security to prevent unauthorized users from accessing NOAH accounts. This will serve as a…

Sticky No-No
Sticky No-No

We all love sticky notes! They come in bright colors, stick to computer screens, and remove easily when you no longer need them. During a recent HIPAA review of our…

IT Resources Update
IT Resources Update

As we progress through our IT Transition, check out these helpful resources if you’re ever feeling stuck. OCHIN Ella If you have any questions or curiosity about EPIC, OCHIN Ella…

Ready or Not, Here it Comes!
IT, News
Ready or Not, Here it Comes!

Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we continue to transition to our own NOAH computer operating systems. This has been a huge undertaking for our entire team, and…

IT Transition Update
IT Transition Update

Our IT transition deadline is just 76 days away. The IT team has made significant headway with the transition and several teams have already switched to the new NOAH network and…

IT Changes Coming to NOAH
IT Changes Coming to NOAH

For more than 25 years, NOAH has been part of HonorHealth (previously Scottsdale Healthcare) in some capacity. In December 2021, NOAH and HonorHealth’s relationship went through a significant change when…

New MyChart Proxy Launches
New MyChart Proxy Launches

MyChart launched new access and proxy guidelines for patients of all ages. NOAH patients may have questions about accessing their dependents MyChart, who can access their MyChart, and more, so…

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