“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
Hippocrates (400 BC)
The Employee Engagement Committee is celebrating our NOAH team by creating a NOAH Family Cookbook. This is a fun way to share everyone’s favorite foods and represent the diversity of our employees. Please submit any number of your go-to recipes for appetizers, entrees, drinks, desserts, and more to Joe Slama at jslama@honorhealth.com.
For each recipe you would like to submit, please include:
- Your name
- NOAH department and position
- Your photo
- Why you love this recipe and, if applicable, family history of the recipe or other interesting information
- Name of recipe
- Ingredients
- Directions
- Photo of prepared recipe
Want your family to be featured on the cover? Contact Leslie Thomas lesthomas@honorhealth.com and/or Joe Slama at jslama@honorhealth.com for more information.