Maya Wooden

Jeans and Jerseys

Jeans and Jerseys

NOAH’s Culture Club’s “Jeans and Jerseys” event is back! Here’s how it works: What to wear: Your favorite jeans paired with a football-themed shirt or jersey. When: Every Thursday in September. Why:…

Rental Assistance Program Update

Rental Assistance Program Update

DES will no longer accept rental assistance applications effective Sept. 1, 2024 due to the depletion of funds. NOAH’s Community Resources team will continue processing rental assistance applications through Aug….

DEEP Course Graduates

DEEP Course Graduates

We are proud to congratulate the graduates of our third Diabetic Empowerment Education Program (DEEP) cohort! Five participants successfully completed all eight lessons and have shown great determination in taking…

New Hires

New Hires

Please join us in welcoming the following employees to the NOAH team! Started Week of August 19

Now Delivering Prescription Medication to Venado

Now Delivering Prescription Medication to Venado

We’re excited to share that NOAH’s Cholla Pharmacy has continued its prescription delivery service to all NOAH Health Center locations. Beginning August 24, courier service will begin to Venado Valley…

Foods for Thought

Foods for Thought

In the world of health and wellness, the connection between diet and mental health is gaining significant attention. NOAH Dietitian Jason Pawloski explores this link in his 218-page book, Foods…

July Monthly Motivation

July Monthly Motivation

Welcome back to Monthly Motivation, where we publish some of the awesome feedback we’ve received from patients during the previous month – like this one: “I’m SO glad I had…

Employee Spotlights

Employee Spotlights

Shining a bright light on some of NOAH’s stars. These team members were highlighted by their colleagues in the past month. Guadalupe Valadez, Registration/Scheduler at Palomino Health CenterSubmitted by: Candi…

New Hires

New Hires

Please join us in welcoming the following employees to the NOAH team! Started week of August 5

Jeans and Jerseys in July Contest Winner!

Jeans and Jerseys in July Contest Winner!

Team NOAH scored big this July with the Culture Club’s ‘Jeans and Jerseys in July’ event! Throughout the month, employees were encouraged to wear baseball-themed jerseys or shirts every Wednesday,…