Christina Henning

Provider Photos and Information

Provider Photos and Information

Did you know patients can browse NOAH provider photos and information on our website? When choosing a healthcare provider, patients often gravitate toward people who look like them or share…

Sticky No-No

Sticky No-No

We all love sticky notes! They come in bright colors, stick to computer screens, and remove easily when you no longer need them. During a recent HIPAA review of our…

AHEAD-AZ MA Fast-Track Cohort 3 Announcement

AHEAD-AZ MA Fast-Track Cohort 3 Announcement

In partnership with the Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers and Central Arizona Area Health Education Center, NOAH is offering the AHEAD-AZ Medical Assistant Fast-Track Training program to a third…

It’s National Health Center Week!

It’s National Health Center Week!

National Health Center Week (NHCW) is held annually in August to recognize community health centers and build awareness about the work we do in communities across the nation. This year’s…

Financial Update

Financial Update

NOAH’s performance is measured in several ways, including the number of patients we see, the comprehensive care we provide, and maintaining healthy financials. Here’s a look at the financials for…

Here We Grow Again

Here We Grow Again

We are thrilled to announce the expansion of Copperwood Health Center to a second location within the same complex. Copperwood II will encompass Counseling, Psychiatry, and Community Resources in an…

Welcome Tera Brulotte-Maki
HR, News

Welcome Tera Brulotte-Maki

We’re excited to welcome Tera Brulotte-Maki to the NOAH team as Human Resources Director! Tera has worked in various human resources roles over the past 16 years. Most recently, she served…

Employee Award Nominations

Employee Award Nominations

Do you know of someone who goes above and beyond? Nominate an outstanding NOAH team member to be recognized at the NOAH Team Meeting, Thursday, August 10! Nominate up to…

Payroll and Independence Day

Payroll and Independence Day

We will be closed on Thursday, July 4, in observance of Independence Day. This is a PAID holiday for NOAH employees.  All full-time 1.0 FTE employees will receive 8 hours…

NOAH in the News

NOAH in the News

NOAH providers Enrique Flores, PA-C and Jose Lopez, PA-C did a fantastic job representing NOAH during a special Men’s Health Month live broadcast on Telemundo last week. As subject matter…