Christina Henning

Give the Gift of Time

Give the Gift of Time

The Culture Club invites you to give back with an employee volunteer opportunity on Saturday, December 14. You’re invited to help assemble and distribute holiday meal kits to patients and…

Waste Not Boosts Food Distribution

Waste Not Boosts Food Distribution

Since kicking off last fall, NOAH’s “Fresh for You” food distribution program has grown significantly. We’re grateful for our ongoing partnerships with Farmbox Arizona and St. Mary’s Food Bank which…

Rate Increase for Self-Pay Patients

Rate Increase for Self-Pay Patients

The following new self-pay rates for patients who do not have/use insurance will go into effect on Monday, December 2. Self-Pay Rates New Rate Old Rate New Patient $250 $113…

New Pharmacy Requirement for Sliding Fee Scale Patients 

New Pharmacy Requirement for Sliding Fee Scale Patients 

Communication is being sent this month to notify all NOAH Sliding Fee Scale (SFS) patients they must use NOAH’s Cholla Pharmacy to receive SFS discounts on prescription medication going forward. …

Important Employee Health Update

Important Employee Health Update

We’ve been working diligently over the past several months to streamline employee health compliance. During this process, it was decided that effective October 2024, Tdap vaccination or declination will be…

MyChart Online Scheduling Now Available

MyChart Online Scheduling Now Available

We are excited to announce MyChart Online Scheduling functionality is now live. This new feature gives patients the option to directly schedule medical appointments online through MyChart. All established NOAH…

Register Now for NOAH’s Employee Health Event

Register Now for NOAH’s Employee Health Event

Registration is now open for our special employee health event sponsored by our benefits plan administrator, Ameriben. This free event will feature health screenings, vaccines, coffee, and benefits swag! Not…

Cardinals Ticket Winners

Cardinals Ticket Winners

Congratulations to Reyna Mauricio and Crystal Medina! Reyna and Crystal were each randomly selected to receive a pair of tickets to last Sunday’s Cardinals vs. Lions game at State Farm…

Educating Our Patients: Every Vote Counts

Educating Our Patients: Every Vote Counts

As a Community Health Center, we have the opportunity to engage with a wide-range of patients including many who represent underserved populations. These patients have limited access to resources or…

Monthly Policy Highlight: Conflict of Interest

Monthly Policy Highlight: Conflict of Interest

NOAH’s Conflict of Interest policy provides guidelines for NOAH directors, officers, employees, and agents to identify, disclose, avoid, and manage conflicts of interest in compliance with federal law. This policy…