New Initiative and Business Plan Intake

Why do we need an intake process?

NOAH’s new initiatives and business plan intake allows for proper evaluation of the potential costs and benefits that occur when we invest time, resources, and money in an initiative. More importantly, it helps define and align projects as they relate to the NOAH strategic priorities. The different types of requests that need to go through this process include: new projects, new business initiatives, items needing a business plan, workflow project requests, and other unbudgeted resource requests for the fiscal year. Here are some additional benefits we receive from this process:

  1. To create a central source of entry for all support requests.
  2. To identify trends in requests which can be used to target education plans on specific topics.
  3. To encourage accountability and engagement from our teams.
  4. To clearly define scope of work.

The Strategic Initiatives and Project Management department is able to assist you with any questions you have.